Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Getting results - Tomoson, Bloggerdise

Life is often a fair amount of trial and error. You try something, it works or it doesn't you try something else. And if you are a blogger, you recommend or you don't.

Last time I blogged, I mentioned two sites, Tomoson and Bloggerdise, where entrepreneurs - especially writers, can put their work out there for bloggers to try out and review. Well, the results are in.

Tomoson.  I found it to be a little difficult to navigate but after some trying, it got better. It's simple with only a few commands.  I would suggest that you sign in as a promoter, not a blogger. It will remove the confusion. The menu system is the issue. You get different menus on different pages and there is no big shiny red button that says Messages. That being said the real issue is results and BOY I got 'em. I've had 15 respondents in 2 days. Wow. I'm very happy. 

Some other things writers need to consider before opening their book to review - How many do you want to give away? (I say the more the merrier. Bloggers can get your product in front of hundreds, or even thousands of buyers. I'd say invite them to the party and pay for the cab!)  Also, How are you going to get the book to the bloggers.  You might save time by telling the bloggers up from to send you their e-mail addresses. You probably want to include as much contact info as possible and a blurb and maybe even a link to an excerpt. Entice them in. And don't cherry pick your bloggers first time out. You will get a lot of stay at home mom websites you might be tempted to reject. But understand, your demographic is (Guess what?)  Stay at home moms.  The demographic for genre fiction is the same as for soap operas. Stay at home moms and college students. Sure, Guys with tattoo shirts and satanic goatees might talk about horror, but they are watching gory movies, not reading books for the most part. It's mom. My theory is, behind every company website, every blog, every single facebook role play account is a person. That person, if they have friended me on Facebook  or came to my website are interested in me and my book. I don't turn any money away. Don't discount anyone. if they ask for it.

As for Bloggerdise, I am less impressed. It is even more confusing and I have had no results at all. It is difficult to use and understand and all in all, has produced no results other then frustration. You might have different results, but I might not use them again.

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